AACR Grantee Summit: Igniting Innovation in Cancer Research

October 7-8, 2024
Hilton Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing
Philadelphia, PA 19106


Monday, October 7, 2024

7:00 – 8:00 am:Check-In and Breakfast
8:00 – 8:15 am:Welcome and Opening Remarks
  • Margaret Foti, PhD, American Association for Cancer Research
  • Sheila Stewart, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine
  • Manuel Hidalgo, MD, PhD, Weill Cornell Medicine
8:15 – 8:45 am:Keynote by Co-Chair
Sheila Stewart, PhD, Washington University School of Medicine
8:45 – 10:05 am:Grantee Presentations Session I: Innovative Insights into Tumor Biology (Moderator: Sheila Stewart, PhD)
Format: 15-minute Presentations followed by 5-minute Q & A
 8:45 – 9:05:Endogenous Retroviruses Mediate the Estrogen-Transcriptional Network by Providing Motifs for Several Transcription Factors (Rafael Loch Batista, MD, PhD, University of Sao Paulo Medical School)
 9:05 – 9:25:Delineating the Oncogenic Mechanisms of NAT10 (Daniel Arango, PhD, Northwestern University)
 9:25 – 9:45:MYC and TGFβ Promotes Aggressive and Metastatic Group 3 Medulloblastoma through Remodeling of the Chromatin Landscape (Zulekha A. Qadeer, PhD, University of California, San Francisco)
 9:45 – 10:05:WRAD Core Perturbation Impairs DNA Replication Fidelity Promoting Immunoediting in Pancreatic Cancer (Francesca Citron, PharmD, PhD, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)
10:05 – 10:25 am:Break
10:25 – 11:25 pm:Panel Session: Scientist, Industry Representative, and Patient Advocate – Views on Drug Development (Moderator: Manuel Hidalgo)
Scientist: Patrick Ma, MD, Penn State Cancer Institute Industry Representative: Jeffrey Engelman, MD, PhD, Treeline Biosciences Advocate: TBD
11:25 am – 1:00 pm:Lunch and Learn Session: Communication and Engagement Skills (Moderator: Sheila Stewart) 10-minute talks followed by lunch roundtables.
  1. Building Connections: Networking for Career and Scientific Advancement
  2. Leveraging social media for professional growth and networking
  3. Engaging the Public: Communicating your Science Effectively
1:00 – 1:30 pm:Distinguished Speaker (Introduced by Sheila Stewart)
1:30 – 2:45 pm:Bridging Academia and Industry: Exploring Collaborative Opportunities and Entrepreneurship
Jeffrey Engelman, MD, PhD, Treeline Biosciences
2:45 – 3:10 pm:Break
3:10 – 4:30 pm:Grantee Presentations Session II: Novel Approaches to Preventing and Treating Cancer (Moderator: Manuel Hidalgo, MD, PhD)
Format: 15-minute presentations followed by 5-minute Q&A
 2:45 – 3:05:Development and Evaluation of Mobile App to Promote Breast Cancer Screening (Adwoa Bemah Boamah Mensah, PhD, Kwame Nkrumah University)
 3:05 – 3:25:R-Loop Accumulation in Spliceosome Mutant Leukemias Confers Sensitivity to PARP1 Inhibition by Triggering Transcription–Replication Conflicts (Hai Dang Nguyen, PhD, University of Minnesota)
 3:25 – 3:45:Preclinical Evaluation of Novel Vesiculovirus Mediated Expression of Stroma Depleting Proteolytic Enzymes in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (Bolni Marius Nagalo, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences)
 3:45 – 4:05:A Brain-Body Feedback Loop Driving Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal-Axis Dysfunction in Breast Cancer (Jeremy C. Borniger, PhD, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
4:30 – 5:30 pm:Opportunities in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
5:30 – 7:00 pm:Poster Session
7:00 – 8:30 pm:Reception with Remarks
  • John Kincade, Philadelphia Sports Broadcaster and Cancer Survivor
  • Mitch Stoller, American Association for Cancer Research
  • John Zhang, PhD, American Association for Cancer Research


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

7:25 – 8:25 am:Breakfast
8:25 – 8:30 am:Video Remarks
Kimryn Rathmell, MD, PhD, National Cancer Institute
8:30 – 9:00 am:Keynote by Co-Chair
Manuel Hidalgo, MD, PhD, Weill Cornell Medicine
9:00 – 10:20 am:Grantee Presentations Session III: Innovative Insights into Tumor Biology II (Moderator: Sheila Stewart, PhD)
Format: 15-minute presentations followed by 5-minute Q&A
 9:00 – 9:20:Identification of Splicing Factor U1A as a Key Regulator of Aggressive Subtypes in Pancreatic Cancer (Mari Nakamura, PhD, University of California San Diego)
 9:20 – 9:40:Understanding How Age-Associated Changes in Immune Function Impact Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (Milos Spasic, PhD, Brigham & Women’s Hospital)
 9:40 – 10:00:Obesity-Driven Plasticity of Adipocyte Progenitors in the Mammary Gland (Purna Joshi, PhD, University of Texas at Dallas)
 10:00 – 10:20:Glioblastoma Cell State Plasticity and Therapeutic Resistance is Mediated by BRD2 (Raghavendra Vadla, PhD, University of California San Diego)
10:20 – 10:45 am:Break
10:45 – 11:45 am:Fireside Chat
Lillian Siu, MD, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Mitch Stoller, American Association for Cancer Research
11:45 am – 1:00 pm:Lunch with Round Table Discussions
  1. Honing your Career Advancement Skills
  2. Choosing a Career Path Beyond Academia
  3. How to Get a Paper Published
  4. How to Write a Grant
  5. Designing and Developing Effective Presentations
  6. Management of Resources and Personnel
  7. Building Effective Collaborations
1:00 – 2:20 pm:Grantee Presentations Session IV: Innovative Solutions to Cancer Treatment Challenges (Moderator: Manuel Hidalgo, MD, PhD)
Format: 15-minute Presentations followed by 5-minute Q & A
 1:00 – 1:20:Pancreatitis-Induced Resistance to KRAS Targeted Therapy: The Role of Cellular Plasticity and Underlying Mechanisms (Pingping Hou, PhD, Rutgers University)
 1:00 – 1:40:The Role of the NLRP3-HSP70 Signaling Axis in Gastric Cancer Immunotherapy Resistance (Brent Allen Hanks, MD, PhD, Duke University)
 1:40 – 2:00:3D Morphological and Molecular Profiling of Pancreatic Cancer Liver Metastases (Ashley Kiemen, PhD, Johns Hopkins University)
 2:00 – 2:20:Regenerate Salivary Glands via Combinatorial Pathway Intervention (Qiwen Gan, PhD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
2:20 – 3:20 pm:Poster Session Winners Presentations and Q&A (10-minutes Presentation followed by 5-minute Q&A)
3:20 – 3:25 pm:Announcement for Oral Presentation Winner
3:25 – 3:40 pm:Summary and Closing Remarks
Manuel Hidalgo, MD, PhD, Weill Cornell Medicine

About this Event:

The two-day summit serves as a dynamic gathering tailored for grantees, esteemed funding partners, distinguished special guests, and AACR staff. The gathering promises to showcase impactful research funded by AACR grants and foster collaborations, partnerships, and networking opportunities.

You may anticipate fully engaging in intellectual and social exchanges through a number of enriching activities such as scientific sessions, a poster session, round tables, workshops, welcoming reception, and more!